Tuesday, March 16, 2010

inspired by mucha

i've been doing a lot of research for my invitation line (which will launch in may 2010). one of my main sources of inspiration for a particular piece is alphonse mucha.

one of my favorite artists of all time, mucha's art is beautiful, lush, dramatic, and romantic. it celebrates the natural beauty of women and their curves. it explores the hidden gems in fabric folds, in floral arrangements, and in the open space between objects. line weight and design both are addressed in his paintings.

i thought it might be wonderful to have a mucha-inspired wedding. especially when it comes to bridal attire and flowers -- both of which are celebrated in mucha's work.

like the painting above, the dresses below are romantic, flowing, with dramatic skirts and lines.

dress above from amy kuschel.

dress above from renella de fina.

dress above from vera wang.

mucha shows the drama of gowns in his time, at the turn of the 20th century, which often included billowy sleeves and lovely details.

the dress above from pronovias has a jacket with billowy sleeves, much like the mucha painting above.

head wreaths are common in mucha paintings.

the head piece above from florica evokes the same romantic feel.

different in approach, this mucha painting has a much more severe but still whimsical head piece.

and like the mucha painting above them, these headpieces by stacey hannan are metallic and dramatic, almost like a bejeweled headdress.

all mucha paintings evoke lush surroundings, like these two huppas above. the top is by matthew robbins (photographed by christian oth), and the second is by designs by rose.

why not try a fruit centerpiece, inspired by the mucha painting above? below centerpiece from martha stewart.

try something dripping with lush flowers and dramatic lighting to finish off your mucha feel. top arrangement by matthew robbins, the second is by designs by rose.

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